About Us

The Rise Above Barriers Society is an organization focused on rising above the barriers experienced through disability. It was formed in order to research, plan and implement a trekking journey in the Nepal Himalaya with a person living with a disability. In November of 2007, using a modified wheel chair called the TrailRider, Pippa Blake and the Rise Above Barriers Team (Team MS Fits) will embark on a three week trek to Mt. Everest Base Camp.

Our objectives are to:

  • Leave a blueprint of the journey to assist those who come next.
  • Purchase a Black Diamond model of TrailRider and donate it to Recreation Integration Victoria.
  • Raise awareness about accessibility for those living with disabilities.
  • Raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Motivate others living with disabilities to pursue similar outdoor adventures.

As a legacy of our journey, the Rise Above Barriers Society is purchasing a Black Diamond model of TrailRider. It will be donated to Recreation Integration Victoria (RIV) upon our return from Nepal so that others living with disabilities on Vancouver Island can experience wilderness parks and vacation spots with their family and friends. The current model of TrailRider that RIV owns is too bulky and heavy to easily transport to areas outside of Victoria. The Black Diamond model is only available in Vancouver and difficult to access for those living on the island. It is our hope that this TrailRider will open up new possibilities for others as it has for Pippa. For more information about RIV and the services they offer, please visit their website at www.rivonline.org.

Altough we are a newly formed organization, we hope that the Rise Above Barriers Society will evolve beyond the scope of the journey to Everest Base Camp so that we can continue to further our goal of making the outdoors more accessible to the disabled.